Our Story


Why MANual Reset was born?

MANual Reset was born as we both felt there was an opportunity to support men deliver the change (s) they want in their lives. From our experiences coaching men but also listening to our male family members, friends, colleagues (and from Maurice’s own personal experience) told us there was a clear need.

From our research, we identified there were a number of very good initiatives for men but nothing delivering exactly what we heard from men was required.

Based on the feedback, we wanted to create a community where like-minded men who were committed to their growth could come together to support each other. A safe and fun environment where positive, meaningful change could happen. A structured programme that combines the latest thinking on development but is entirely practical and action-oriented.

And so MANual Reset was born….


Who are we?

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I am my own case study that change IS possible and you can create the life you want and the connections you want.

I am now living in Dorset with my incredible and inspiring family. After 10 years of talking about making a change, we did it. Creating more balance and a quality of life we all wanted.

More about me… My career is now spent empowering you to reconnect with your confidence and take control in creating a life you really want.  Coach (Professional Certified Coach, Co-active Professional Certified Coach)/ Confidence Builder/ Emotional Intelligence

I believe in empowering leaders and teams to bring their whole selves to work, enriching and building a dynamic thinking organisation which can thrive.

My key areas of activity are:
Executive Coaching, Leadership and Team Development, Team Coaching, Sales Training, Human Skills Trainer, Communication Expert

I deliver and write many leadership development, sales training and human skills programmes globally for the Technology, Media and Construction industries. Focusing on changing long term behaviour, rather than just the learning outcomes, facilitating sustained and substantial change that will last.

My background is in sales and sales enablement before moving into leadership development and executive coaching.

I wanted to align my life more with my values and what I wanted to create. So, I took the leap, started my own business doing what I love, and I have not looked back.

Why I love MANual Reset?

I am honoured to be surrounded with many incredible men. One thing I started to realise is many of them felt they had to be a certain way, wear a mask or persona at work and then shoulder any stress or burden when at home. Feeling like they couldn’t or they were unable to share what they were feeling or experiencing.

I witnessed male leaders struggling internally with what they thought was expected from them, a strong, assertive leader vs being empathetic and wanting to connect and lead as a human.

MANual Reset provides an incredible space for us to explore these expectations, assumptions and beliefs and gives men the opportunity to challenge these, redesign and reset their relationships with them and make a conscious choice on how they want to be moving forward.



I am Irish and currently living in South-West London.  I am married with 3 sons and a somewhat neurotic dog. 

When COVID allows I love travel, spending time in restaurants and bars with friends and family and actively supporting my collection of mostly underachieving sport teams.  I also love reading and sharing about the changing nature of work and leadership.  I do this for pleasure - honest! 

More about me… Professionally, I have held senior leadership roles in a number of wonderful global companies in the beverage industry.  I have shared some incredible successes and learnt massively from quite a few failures along the way.  I have been blessed with working with some inspiring leaders and had the privilege of leading brilliant teams. 

I have always felt that leadership involves winning collectively via championing others to be their very best.  For many years, I have enjoyed mentoring assignments at work.  In truth I gained at least as much from these assignments as the people I worked with

Becoming a qualified Coach was a natural extension in this journey. I am proud to say I am now a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC).

I work as a coach and a mentor supporting incredible entrepreneurs, business leaders and leadership teams. I also advise beverage businesses to successfully build and globally scale their brands.

I became a much better leader when I became comfortable being true to whom I am. When I learnt to quieten my self-doubts, my insecurities and the imposter syndromes that I experienced along the way.

As a coach, I help people along the same journey. To enable them to discover and embrace their own authentic style as a person and as a leader. To manage the relationship with themselves and with others in a much more fulfilling manner. I love championing my incredible clients to leverage fully their superpowers.  

Why I love MANual Reset?
Working with Monique on MANual Reset and the community of men involved is one of the favourite things I do. 

As a man, I know how difficult it can be to connect openly and communicate honestly.  To let down your mask.  To ask for help. To be and feel vulnerable. We created MANual reset to help men achieve the growth and change they are looking for in the company of like-minded men    

It is the equivalent of a group of friends sitting round a fireside late at night whilst camping, staring into the fire and being open and vulnerable with each other.  It is such a privilege to witness the courage and solidarity of the men involved.  I love the fact how the men build up a tribe that are there for each other independent of Monique and I.  There is awareness, growth, and much laughter involved.


Why us?

We met virtually on our coaching training. We realised quickly that we have similar things that we are passionate about and shared values. Helping people deliver the change they want for themselves in a safe, brave and fun environment is why we both became coaches. And yet our brains work very differently. We have complementary skills and experiences. And so the combination works extremely well.

So, why the fire?

When Maurice and Monique first started talking about MANual Reset, they set their intentions of how they wanted the programme to feel, what experience they wanted to create. They both spoke of their love of sitting round a fire with good friends feeling like you could talk about anything, talk about dreams, hopes and possibilities. Where you feel so supported by everyone you are sitting with that you cannot help but feel inspired and take action.

This then became a gage for MANual Reset, making sure the environment that was created and the experience our members go through is like sitting by that bonfire.