MANual Reset Live
This is a live programme meeting once a week virtually. Connecting with other men in a small group lead by Monique and Maurice.
There are 5 resets involved in this course.
Reset your values and purpose
(Week 1 and 2)
Are you so busy that you are losing touch with who you are? Do you feel on occasion flat, aimless or unfulfilled? Perhaps you had a driving passion but feel you have lost it over the years as life got in the way. By resetting precisely your values and your purpose, you give yourself a powerful compass that guides you on our journey. In Week 1, we also establish everyone’s specific objectives for their participation in MANual Reset
“There are two important days in your life, the day you were born and the day you realise why.” Mark Twain
Reset your relationship with yourself
(Week 3 and 4)
This is the most important relationship of all. Mostly what holds us back is not other people but ourselves. We can be our own worse critics. Do you feel insecure in who you are, certainly in comparison with other seemingly super-confident people around you? Do you have a perfectionist tendency which makes your journey painful as you are never happy with what you have achieved? Do you fail to celebrate your successes? Reset the relationship with the negative voices inside you. We do this by becoming more aware of these voices, when they come out and how to manage them more effectively. Identify how to connect with your positive inner voices/intuition. Reset your relationship with yourself and learn to celebrate who you are. You do not need to be perfect to be incredible!!
Reset your relationship with work
(Week 5 and 6)
On average, we spent 1/3 of our life at work. Are you being your authentic self at work or have you let work’s ever increasing demands define who you are? Do you feel valued, respected and trusted at work? Does your commitment to work get in the way of living a fulfilled life? Are you living in line with your values as a leader, entrepreneur, employee at work? Do you feel pressurised to behave at work in line with traditional male values of dominance, strength, silence? Reset your relationship with work to gain better fulfilment and a better balance.
Reset your relationship with the key people in your life
(Week 7 and 8)
Are you being the father, the husband, the partner, the son, the friend that you want to be or has life got in in the way? Do you find yourself bottling up your feelings? Is it hard to express your insecurities and vulnerabilities with those you are important to you. Learn communication skills that can really help you. Improve your listening skills. Learn how to be more empathetic. Reset the key relationships in your life – show up in line with your values with those that are most important to you.
Reset your action plan
(Week 9)
“Nothing changes if nothing changes”
Do you sometimes feel that life is passing you by and that you are not progressing what could be really important for you? Do you often make plans to change and fail to stick with them? You will work up between 1 to 3 (nor more than 3) structured and specific plans to deliver positive and sustainable change. This covers the period from the here and now to 12 months out so that the positive habits can become embedded. You will identify structures and support mechanism so that you can stay fully committed to implement your plan. In this way, you can reset your action plan.
Pulling it all together
(Week 10)
We share our lead action plan with the group. The group openly reflects on what is different now from where they started. We review the progress made vs everyone’s individual objectives (from week 1). We hold a very powerful closing event. Previous cohorts have followed the final session with a virtual drinks event!!
Week 2, 4, 6 and 8 are in smaller pods with clear topics to discuss. You work with different people. The feedback is that these sessions are invaluable to build up the authentic connection between participants.
There is also a very active WhatsApp community during the course for support, exchanging views, banter etc.
Please go to the e commerce page on this website for more details about booking the MANual Reset course.
Programme Packages
The Core 10 week programme of MANual Reset
Price: £699 or three monthly payments of £236
Package 1
The core 10 week programme of MANual Reset plus 1 x 1:1 coaching session with both Monique and Maurice (2 sessions in total)
Price: £899 or three monthly payments of £309
Package 2
The core 10 week programme of MANual Reset plus 2 x 1:1 coaching session with both Monique and Maurice (4 sessions in total)
Price: £1099 or three monthly payments of £376
Package 3
The core 10 week programme of MANual Reset plus 4 x 1:1 coaching session with both Monique and Maurice (8 sessions in total) empowering you to continue the growth and change from the programme.
Price: £1499 or three monthly payments of £509
The dates for the January Cohort
Starting on 27th January meeting each Thursday evening at 7:15pm UK time for 10 weeks. Each session will be between an hour (for small pod sessions), and an hour and a half for our bi weekly group calls. The cohort numbers are small to ensure intimacy and the ability to connect with everyone. All sessions are run via Zoom.
Booking your spot.
You have two options. You can either pay the full balance online through our online store. Or complete the form below and let us know which payment option and package works for you. We will then get back to you within a couple of days with your confirmation.