MANual Reset is a programme designed to empower men to reset key elements of their lives to deliver the positive, sustainable change they are looking for.


As men, it is becoming more and more difficult to balance our various roles – leader/employee, father, husband/partner, son, friend etc. There is a lot of pressure on us to get it right. Largely this pressure is self-imposed.

Many of the expectations of us as men are changing and often for the better. But it can be so complicated to navigate these changes. As men, we can find it especially difficult to express our feelings to others and to ourselves. We are conditioned to appear confident, strong and infallible but deep down we are dealing with insecurities and anxieties. We have a sense that becoming more open and even vulnerable can lead to growth but it feels so uncomfortable.

Learn more about our story.

This is an opportunity to learn, to reflect, to share with like-minded souls, to commit and ultimately to grow. Importantly this course is full of laughter and friendship as well as reflection and growth.

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We are delighted to support CALM with 10% of the proceeds from the programme going to support the incredible work they do. Click here to find out more about CALM.

It was important to both Monique and Maurice that they are not only able to support men through this life changing programme, but also be able to provide life saving support for men who need it. Suicide is the biggest killer of men in the UK under the age of 45 and 2/3rds of all suicides are men.

Men need to feel comfortable and confident to talk and express themselves. By supporting CALM we hope to raise awareness, and through our programme we allow men to drop their masks, their expectations on themselves and be comfortable in who they are to be the person they want to be.

MANual Reset exists in two formats.

A 10 week programme run virtually, meeting weekly run by both co-founders. The feedback from previous participants has been incredible and inspiring (see testimonials page on website)

And an accessible digital playbook format.

Both are very practical and action oriented.

Check out Our Programmes